Friday, January 11, 2013

School bullying lesson plan

No More Bullying in School
Class size
35 students (808)
45 min.
Materials & Equipment
blackboard, notebook, overhead projector, whiteboard, color pens, computer, and worksheets.
The Cognitive Domain
1.      Knows the new words in the lesson.
            1.1 Knows the meanings of the words.
            1.2 Spells the new words.
            1.3 Uses the words in sentences.
            1.4 Pronounces the words correctly.
2. Uses the phrases “asking for trouble” and “lie to.”
2.1  Knows the meanings of the phrases “asking for trouble” and “ lie to.”
2.2 Makes sentences by using the phrases “asking for trouble” and “ lie to.”
3.      Understands the whole lesson.
3.1 Answers the teacher’s questions.
3.2 Understands the dialogue.
4. Knows how to express in English fluently.
  4.1 Knows how to express opinions about school bullying.
  4.2 Knows how to express feelings about bullying.
5. Realizes the importance of human rights.
The Affective Domain
1. Respects others.
2. Responds willingly.
3. Enjoys classroom activities.
The Psychomotor Domain
1.    Pronounces the new words correctly.
2.    Reads with proper stress and intonation.
3.    Writes smoothly and legibly.
Course project
The first period
I. Warm-up (10 min)
1.  Greet the students.
2.      Show students four pictures and ask them questions.
II. Presentation of the Dialogue (20min)
1. Show students a clip of video of a bullying incident.
  3. Present the dialogue.
  4. Teach new words and phrases.
  5. Have students read the dialogue (Worksheet 1).
III. Activity (10min)
    1. Ask students questions about the dialogue.
    2. Pass out the text of the dialogue (Worksheet 2).
3. Have students discuss the worksheet with group members and write down their answers.
    3. Have each group report their answers.
. Assignment (5 min)
  1. Ask students to complete a worksheet about bullying (Worksheet 3).
  2. Ask each group to make a “No More Bullying in School” poster.    
Teaching Procedure
The first period
Materials & Equipment
I.       Warm-up
Greet the students.
T: Good afternoon, class.
Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Hung.
T: Today, we are going to learn an important lesson about school bullying.
1. Have students look at four pictures and answer questions about the pictures:
T: First, I’ll show you four pictures. Look at each of them carefully and answer my questions.
Picture 1
      Mark      Jack
T: Look at the two boys. What’s Jack doing?
Ss: (He’s bullying Mark.)

Picture 2
 Bob               Jack
圓角矩形圖說文字: Tina: Get out of my way, you lazybones and good-for-nothing!T: What’s Jack doing this time?
Ss: (He’s asking Bob for money.)

Picture 3
T: What’s Tina doing?
Ss: (She’s calling Angel names.)   

Picture 4:
T: What did Lisa say in the e-mail?
Ss: (You’re the ugliest girl I’ve
ever seen. You always scare
everyone in the school.)
T: From the e-mail, we can see that
 Lisa insulted Betty. She said something terrible about Betty.
T: What do the four pictures have
in common?
Ss: (They are all about bullying in
T: Yes, bullying is common among
students. We’ll talk about more
about it in this class.
10 min
Overhead projector


Direct method
Situational language teaching

Language teaching

Direct Method

Oral Test


Oral Test

II. Presentation of the Dialogue
T: After looking at the four pictures, now, let’s watch a clip of video of a bullying incident.
1. Show the students a clip of
video of bullying.
2. Ask some questions about the video.
T: Now answer my questions according to the context of the video.
Question 1:
What is the video about?
(It’s about a bad boy, Rex. He bullied another boy, David.)   
Question 2:
What was David doing when Rex
saw him?
(He was eating a hamburger.)
Question 3:
What did Rex do to David?
(He not only took his hamburger but also asked him to give him some money.
Question 4:
Who came to David’s help?
(Mr. Chen did.)
Question 5:
How do you feel about Rex’s behavior?
(S1: I think it’s wrong for him to do
(S2: I feel sad because no one should
    be bullied.)
(S3: I feel sorry for him. He did not
    know how to respect others.)
(S4: I feel angry. Bullying is wrong.)
(S5: I feel nervous because it might happen to me.)      
T: Great! I believe every one of you already has some general ideas about what we are going to learn today. Now, please pass out the handout. Ready? Repeat the dialogue
after me. (Worksheet 1)
3. Have students repeat the dialogue after the teacher. (Worksheet 1)
4. Teach new words and phrases and explain their meanings and usages.

 New Words
(1) punch: hit hard
(teaching by doing the action of “punch”)
T: What is the man doing?
Ss: (He is punching the woman.)
T: What is this?
Ss: (It’s a punch bag.)

(2) asking for trouble: do something stupid that might cause problems
T: Let me give you an example. Ted
watched TV all night yesterday. He
didn’t do his English homework. Ted
was asking for trouble. Ms. Chan was
sure to blame him for this.

(3) lie to: tell someone a lie
T: Let me give you an example. Tom got
only 50 on his math test, but he told
his mother he got a 90. So Tom lied to
his mother. He told her a lie. 
(4) pale: have a much lighter color skin
than usual

T: How does Joey look?
Ss: (He looks pale.)
T: Yes. When we are healthy, we usually look good, but when we don’t feel good, we look pale.

(5) bully: hit or hurt someone who is weaker.
T: Look at the picture. The bigger boy
is bullying the smaller one. It often happens in the school.
T: Did you have any experience like this before?  If you did, please raise your hand.

(6) respect: be polite and very kind to someone because you think much of him or her.
T: I respect my father because he is
  a man of good character.
T: Do you respect your parents or teachers?
5. Discuss the dialogue with students.
6. Have students write down the answers on the worksheet in groups. ( Worksheet 2)
T: This dialogue is about school bullying. I feel sorry that such incidents sometimes happen at school. It’s wrong to bully others. Besides, bullying hurts.

T: I am going to pass out a worksheet of the dialogue. There are four questions on it. Discuss them with your group members and write down your answers. I’ll give you five minutes to finish them.

III. Activity
T: Time is up. Let’s discuss each question one by one.
Question 1:
Do you agree with what Rex did to David? Why? Or Why not? 
Question 2:
What would you do if you were
Question 3:
If you saw someone bullying
others, what would you do?
Which of the following is bullying? Check them R.
(a)Someone forces you to give him/her money. 
(b)Someone asks your classmates not to talk to you or play with you.
(c)Someone hits or kicks you.
(d)Someone asks you some personal questions.
(e)Someone wants you to play with
him or her, but you don’t want to.    
(f)Someone laughs at the clothes you wear.
(g)Someone calls you names and says something terrible to you.
(h) Someone spreads rumors about you.
(i) Someone quarrels with you over something trivial.

T: Each group has already shared their ideas with us. You all did a good job today. I am so proud of you. Give yourselves a big hand. I hope you have learned more about school bullying. Now, I’m going to pass out a worksheet. This one is for you to finish at home. You have to finish it by next Monday. And each group has to make a “No More Bullying in School” poster together. Hand them in by December 24. That’s all for today. See you next time.
20 min

10 min

Overhead projector




sheet 2
Situational language teaching

Communicative Language Teaching

Direct Method

Audio-lingual method

Simple explain

Communicative Language Teaching

Oral Test


Listening and oral test

Oral test

Writing ability

Team work



. Assignment
1.      Ask students to complete a writing assignment (Worksheet 3).
2.      Ask each group to make a “No More Bullying in School” poster.

sheet 3

Direct method
Alternative approach

Writing ability


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